Kord Extensions Help


This page contains historical changelogs for all Kord Extensions projects, taken from GitHub, Discord, and this documentation site, slightly edited for better grammar and more sensible styling.

Please note that changelogs taken from Discord will have a more conversational tone.

Kord Extensions


Published to Discord on October 28th, 2024.

I've gone ahead and pushed a new KordEx version in line with several dependency updates, including Kord:

  • Gradle: 8.8 -> 8.10.2

  • ICU4J: 75.1 -> 76.1

  • JUnit: 5.11.2 -> 5.11.3

  • Kord: 0.15.0-SNAPSHOT -> 0.16.0-SNAPSHOT

  • KSP: 2.0.20-1.0.25 -> 2.0.21-1.0.26

  • Logback: 1.5.9 -> 1.5.12

  • PF4J: 3.12.0 -> 3.12.1

  • Sentry: 7.15.0 -> 7.16.0

As always, if you directly depend on anything KordEx needs, remember to update your dependencies!


Published to Discord on October 20th, 2024.

It's here, y'all! This version brings a huge number of internal and external changes.

I apologize in advance for the upcoming work, but Kotlin's type system prevents me from implementing a deprecation process. This version will require a large one-time refactor of much of your bots' code, replacing translatable strings with Key objects.

Before getting started, I recommend reading the new i18n documentation page, which will introduce you to the new translation system and explain how everything works.

If you absolutely need to be on the bleeding edge but don't have time to translate your project, feel free to use the String.toKey(bundle) extension function temporarily.

Gradle Plugin Users

If you're using the KordEx Gradle plugin, start by updating to version 1.5.0, which will be released shortly.

  • If you haven't created a translation bundle, you'll want to create one as described here.

  • After that, configure the new i18n builder in the Gradle plugin, providing values for at least the classPackage and translationBundle properties.

  • Next, run the generateTranslationsClass Gradle task, which will generate a new Translations object containing references to the keys in your translation bundle.

  • Finally, replace references to translatable strings with the Key objects in your generated Translations object.

Other Users

If you can't (or don't want to) use the KordEx Gradle plugin, you'll need to create the Key objects yourself. This can be done in one of the following ways:

  • Recommended: Take a look at the i18n tools repo and use the API or CLI tool to integrate the generator, then follow the other steps as if you were using the Gradle plugin.

  • Alternatively, create Key objects yourself, storing them in a central location and being sure to provide them with the bundle constructor parameter.


Here's an overview of what's changed:

  • All translatable strings now take Key objects instead.

    • This allows us to provide a much more human-friendly API and covers many advanced use-cases that simply aren't possible when you can only pass a string.

  • All bundle properties have been removed.

    • Instead, the required translation bundle should be stored in your Key objects. This is the default behavior when using the generator, as explained above.

  • All translate convenience functions have been removed.

    • Instead, use the with functions on Key objects to create a newly configured object, and then use the corresponding translate functions to translate that Key in place.

  • The translation provider API has been updated to support translating Key objects instead of strings. String-based functions have been deprecated.

  • Component labels, placeholders, and initial values may now be translated as required.

  • All modules have been translated and added to Weblate.

This is a huge update, and a lot of work has gone into it. While it's true that this may be a painful update for those of you maintaining large bots, the use of a custom type means that no such refactors should be required going forward.

I truly believe that this update will be a huge benefit to most of you, and I hope you enjoy working with the new tools. As this is such a huge update, it's possible I may have missed something in my testing, so please let me know how you get on!

If you're curious about my mindset while designing this system, I wrote a blog post about it!

As always, thanks for sticking with Kord Extensions, and I hope you're all having a good spooky season!


Published to Discord on August 31st, 2024.

KordEx 2.2.1-SNAPSHOT has been pushed and will be published in about 15 minutes. It includes these changes:

  • Clean up the translation provider translate functions, which were a tricky mess to navigate at times.

  • Make the default translations provider scan through loaded plugins (if the plugin system is enabled) to locate bundles provided by them.

    • This also comes with some extra debug-level logging to help you figure out what's going on.

    • If you're unfamiliar with the translations system, the plugin template repo now contains some bundled translations to help you figure out how things work.

As always, let me know how you get on!


Published to Discord on August 23rd, 2024.

It's time for another version bump, specifically to 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT. That was fast, huh?

This release contains the following changes:

  • Update to Kotlin 2.0.20. Finally, a stable release with the fixes we needed!

  • Move all the nested builders out of the ExtensibleBotBuilder class, and into their own separate class files, including their corresponding nested types. Naturally, if you've written any extension functions using one of these classes as a receiver, you'll need to update them. I tried to make this deprecate cleanly, but unfortunately, I couldn't - you can't place type aliases anywhere other than the top-level of a file!

  • Rewrite the about { } builder for the corresponding extension. This removes the default "general" information command (and mandatory footer), instead allowing you to create your own fully custom commands while providing a default, configurable "copyright" subcommand. For more information on this, please read the new docs. I feel like it's a lot less obnoxious, personally!

  • #324 — Fix an error thrown by the data collection system when the plugin system was disabled. Instead of simply not creating a plugin manager, KordEx will now create one in all cases but won't try to load any plugins if the plugin system is disabled.

As always, this release will be available once GitHub builds it, in about 15 minutes. Let me know how you get on!


Published to Discord on August 20th, 2024.

I've gone ahead and pushed an update to KordEx v2, which will be released as 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT. This version provides the following updates:

  • Kotlin: 2.0.20-Beta1-> 2.0.20-RC2

  • JEmoji: 1.4.1-> 1.5.1

  • KAML: 0.60.0-> 0.61.0

  • KSP: 2.0.20-Beta1-1.0.22-> 2.0.20-RC2-1.0.24

  • Logback: 1.5.6-> 1.5.7

  • MongoDB: 5.1.2-> 5.1.3

  • OSHI: 6.6.2-> 6.6.3

  • Sentry: 7.12.0-> 7.14.0

  • SLF4J: 2.0.13-> 2.0.16

I did not update Gradle to 8.10 as the licenser plugin we're using runs into a StackOverflowError with that version.

If you're using the KordEx Gradle plugin, there's nothing you need to do other than to update your Kotlin version to 2.0.20-RC2 (or set it to ignore the Kotlin version if this isn't possible for you).


Published to the docs on August 13th, 2024.

This update's summary was published on this page.


Published to Discord on July 1st, 2024.

This release targets Kotlin 2.0.20-Beta1 and Kord 0.15.0-SNAPSHOT. Due to our distribution model and Kord updating kotlinx.serialization, you must update to Kotlin 2.0.20-Beta1 or later to use this release!

Additionally, as we're forced to use a beta version of Kotlin 2, please note that IDEA's Kotlin plugin will erroneously display compiler errors that were caused by bugs in earlier versions of Kotlin 2. To be specific, expect errors regarding broken typing for generic types explicitly defined using T & Any. If you're working with the KordEx code directly, please rely on build output rather than IDE hints for the time being.

Thanks is due in particular to LustigerLurch for helping with the K2 porting work. Cheers!

This release is available right now! Have at it, and let me know how you get on!

Other Changes

  • Checks have been updated to support more of Kord's built-in events and now support more data from previously supported events, including:

    • AutoModerationActionExecutionEvent

    • AutoModerationEvent

    • GuildAuditLogEntryCreateEvent

      • Note: Kord does not currently support the guildId field on audit log entries.

    • GuildScheduledEventEvent

    • InviteCreateEvent

    • PresenceUpdateEvent

    • ThreadChannelDeleteEvent

    • ThreadMembersUpdateEvent

    • ThreadUpdateEvent

  • A new FixedLengthQueue<T> container type. If you need this, please read the KDoc comments!

Dependency Updates

  • Apache Commons Validator: 1.9.0

  • Groovy: 3.0.22

  • JUnit: 5.10.3

  • KAML: 0.60.0

  • Kord: 0.15.0-SNAPSHOT

  • KSP: 2.0.20-Beta1-1.0.22

  • Ktor: 2.3.12

  • Kotlin: 2.0.20-Beta1

  • Kotlin Logging: 7.0.0

  • kotlinx.serialization: 1.7.1

  • MongoDB: 5.1.1

  • Sentry Java: 7.10.0


Published to Discord on June 3rd, 2024.

It's time for a new snapshot - 1.8.1-SNAPSHOT to be precise.

This snapshot cycle begins with a change to choice converters. Specifically:

  • Choice converters now support chat commands. (#137)

    • When used with chat commands, choice converters will accept either keys (case-insensitively) or values (case-insensitively where appropriate), in that order.

    • When used with chat commands and provided with an invalid value, choice converters will provide an error message along with a list of possible options.

This is a new snapshot cycle because I want to be sure it doesn't break your existing bots. If this is some functionality you've been waiting for, please thoroughly test your bots before updating!

This should be available in around 15 minutes, as usual.

And sorry for keeping you all waiting!


Published to Discord on February 21st, 2024.

I've just pushed a new version of KordEx, to update dependencies and align with Kord's new 0.14.0-SNAPSHOT releases.

  • jemoji: 1.3.3 -> 1.3.4

  • junit: 5.10.1 -> 5.10.2

  • kaml: 0.56.0 -> 0.57.0

  • kotlin-logging: 6.0.2 -> 6.0.3

  • kord: 0.13.0-SNAPSHOT -> 0.14.0-SNAPSHOT

  • ktor: 2.3.7 -> 2.3.8

  • kotlinx-coroutines: 1.7.3 -> 1.8.0

  • kotlinx-serialization: 1.6.2 -> 1.6.3

  • logback: 1.4.14 -> 1.5.0

  • sentry: 7.1.0 -> 7.3.0

  • slf4j: 2.0.11 -> 2.0.12

  • time4j: 5.9.3 -> 5.9.4

This release will be available under 1.8.0-SNAPSHOT once it's been built, in about 10-15 minutes.


Published to Discord on February 21st, 2024.

A new paginator feature!

This is a quick message to announce the release of KordEx 1.7.2-SNAPSHOT, which includes some breaking changes to the paginator API for those of you with custom paginators.

This also brings a new user-facing change — paginator chunking! Requested by beerpsi, this allows you to specify a chunkedPages property in your paginator builders, which will cause the paginator to display its pages in chunks of the given size. This may be useful for paginators with a lot of small embeds.

When chunkedPages is set to 1 (the default), the paginator will behave as it always has. Set it to any value up to 9, however, and that many pages will be displayed to your users at once. When you do this, an extra embed will be generated at the bottom, containing information about the current/total pages, switchable groups, and so on — instead of placing this at the bottom of each page embed.

As always, 1.7.2-SNAPSHOT is building and will be available in 10-15 minutes. Math is hard, so please let me know how you get on!


Published to Discord on November 30th, 2023.

Hello! Today's update is potentially exciting for those of you using the Sentry integration, bringing a few long-overdue changes.

Today's changes are part of issue #260, submitted by Pyrrha yesterday.

It's worth noting that these are breaking changes for anyone using the Sentry integration! Please review your integration usage before pushing any updates!

  • The Sentry Scope and Breadcrumb objects are no longer exposed. Instead, a set of classes based on the new SentryCapture type have been added, and these have replaced the aforementioned Sentry objects in all builders and functions.

  • It is now possible to define what types of data may be submitted to Sentry via the new defaultDataTypes builder, which you can find in the extensions -> sentry builder. Use the following properties to change what can be submitted: arguments, channels, guilds, roles, and users.

    • For chat commands, command arguments and message content are both considered arguments. This is also true for Mappings Extension query strings. Slash command arguments are not currently submitted.

  • The Sentry builder now also provides the dataTypeTransformer and predicate builders, to further customize what can be submitted to Sentry based on an individual SentryCapture subtype.

  • The new SentryCapture types expose more of the Sentry APIs than before, allowing you to provide scope hints and severity levels, among other things.

  • When adding data to the data, hints, and tags maps defined in the SentryCapture subtypes, you can now define how the integration should filter the values within based on their keys, using one of two methods:

    • Prefix the key with the type and a dot (e.g. channel.key) — the key will not be modified if it's submitted.

    • Suffix the key with the type and two colons (e.g. key::channel) — the colons and type will be removed from the key if it's submitted.

Note: Key-based filtering does not support nested container types, as this doesn't appear to be possible within Kotlin's type system. However, it's generally best not to nest data too far regardless.

The configuration docs have already been updated if you need them.

As always, please give things a try and let me know how you get on!


While these new changes are designed to make it easier for you to comply with data protection laws (such as the GDPR), please note that I am not a lawyer. I'm also not qualified to make privacy-related decisions about your bots on your behalf.

I'm happy to fix any data leakage issues or improve the above systems, but it's your responsibility to ensure that your usage of Sentry complies with any relevant privacy laws.


Published to Discord on November 24th, 2023.

The new KordEx snapshot cycle begins with 1.7.0-SNAPSHOT targeting Kord 0.13.0-SNAPSHOT. This release contains breaking deprecations, so remember to rebuild your code before pushing an update!

As always, feel free to give things a try, and let us know if you run into any issues!


Published to GitHub on November 24th, 2023.

This release targets Kord 0.12.0, the latest stable release for Kord. Hot off the presses for those of you who rely on stable releases!

Highlights from this release:

  • Transitioned to a new Discord server. You can also now support development via Ko-fi!

  • Began work on a new documentation site with Writerside. You can find the source in its own repository.

  • We now use Kotlin 1.9.20 and Java 17, and you should too.

  • We've updated a bunch of dependencies. Read more in the libs.versions.toml file.

  • Created an experimental ChangeSet type, used to compare voice states. We need feedback on this!

  • Introduced extra first-party data adapters, such as the MongoDB data adapter.

  • An in-development custom plugin system to better meet KordEx's needs.

  • A generic interaction context type to support more generalized code.

  • A paginator mutation system, allowing for changes to pages, paginators and paginator components.

  • New checks that match the bot application's owner and team roles.

  • New supported locale: Korean by Penta0308.

  • Many small fixes, quality-of-life features and updates that aren't large enough to detail here.

Community Contributions:

  • #200 by DeDiamondPro — More select menu types.

  • #201 by NoCommend and sschr15 — Convert mappings extension configuration to storage units.

  • #211 by Lukellmann — Fix breaking changes from Kord Kotlin/JS support.

  • #212 by Lukellmann — Fix compilation error caused by source-incompatible Kord change.

  • #222 by ADudeCalledLeo — Allow slash command groups and subcommands at the same level.

  • #243 by sschr15 — Update Linkie and add 3 new namespaces.

As always, if you run into any problems, please let us know!


Published to Discord on October 27th, 2023.

I've just gone ahead and pushed KordEx version 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT.

This release was pushed in part to address #216, which required breaking structural changes.

  • EphemeralInteractionContext and PublicInteractionContext now both extend the new InteractionContext interface, which provides a common base type exposing the functionality present in both subtypes.

  • As the interaction context functions have been moved to a base interface, they are no longer inline. You'll find them directly within their respective types, and you will need to remove the imports you were using.

  • respondPublic and respondEphemeral, which were used to deliberately send Discord the wrong follow-up type, have been moved to a single base function named respondOpposite.

  • New opt-in annotations have been added to warn you when a function call may result in unexpected behavior. For the time being, this is only being used for some of the interaction context functions, but they may be used more widely later.

  • [#214] ArgumentParsingException now includes the relevant locale and bundle properties, which can be used for further customization of error messages.

As always, let me know if you run into any issues.


Published to Discord on October 27th, 2023.

Another quick update, KordEx version 1.5.11-SNAPSHOT.

This version tracks Kord 0.12.0-SNAPSHOT, and contains the following dependency updates:

  • jansi 2.4.1

  • jsoup 1.16.2

  • kord 0.12.0-SNAPSHOT

  • ktor 2.3.5

  • mongodb 4.11.0

  • sentry 6.32.0

I've also begun rewriting the documentation using Writerside — you can keep an eye on that progress here.

As always, let me know if you run into any issues.


Published to Discord on October 5th, 2023.

Quick notification to announce the release of KordEx version 1.5.10-SNAPSHOT.

  • Work has begun on a new plugin system, supporting proper constraints and a more reasonable class-loading pattern. This system is self-contained, and you'll be able to use it in any project if you wish to — but there's more work to be done on it right now. If you have any feedback or information on what might be useful from a plugin system, please let me know!

  • KordEx now requires at least Java 13 as it now makes use of APIs only available since that version.

  • KordEx has been updated to Kord version 0.11.1.

As always, let me know if you run into any issues.


Published to Discord on August 9th, 2023.

I've just pushed KordEx 1.5.9-SNAPSHOT to GitHub, and it should be available on Maven in 15-20 minutes.

This is a dependency update version — KordEx is now built against Kord 0.11.0-SNAPSHOT and makes use of Kotlin 1.9.0. As always, please let me know if you run into any issues!


Published to Discord on June 18th, 2023.

1.5.8-SNAPSHOT has been released, to follow Kord's new snapshot policy (and track Kord 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT). As usual, it should be available on Sonatype Snapshots in about 15 minutes.

I've also added a small util - User.tagOrUsername() - which returns a username with or without a discriminator, depending on whether a user has migrated to the new username system.

This will be removed pretty quickly once Discord has fully migrated everyone, so be warned.


Published to Discord on March 25th, 2023.

1.5.7-SNAPSHOT (based on Kord 0.9.x-SNAPSHOT) has been published, and that'll be the working version for now.


Published to GitHub on March 25th, 2023.

This release targets Kord 0.8.0, the latest stable release for Kord. It's been over a year since the previous stable Kord release, so it's also been a year since the previous stable KordEx release. How time flies, right?

Please note that as of this release, the develop branch is going away. Please re-parent your PRs to target the root branch.

A note about Maven repos:

Please be aware that as of this release, KordEx is now being deployed to these Maven servers:

  • Releases: Maven Central

  • Snapshots: Sonatype Snapshots

KordEx releases will no longer be published to the Kotlin Discord maven repo.

Highlights of this release:

  • We now use Kotlin 1.8.0, and you should too

  • Support for Modal forms has been added, which function similarly to argument classes and can be provided to your commands and components in the same way

  • KordEx is now capable of intercepting unknown Kord events and submitting its own events in their place. Initially, this just includes the experimental member screening events available on a handful of servers, but PRs will be accepted for other event types that Kord doesn't plan on supporting

  • A data adapter and storage unit system have been added, allowing extensions to more easily store data, with the ability for individual bots to define how that data should be stored. Note, however, that this is an early version of that system, and it will likely be changed significantly later

  • A module, extra-pluralkit, has been created to make things easier for bots that wish to support PluralKit, a widespread accessibility tool on Discord that's mainly used by plural systems

  • Additional checks have been added that allow you to test for NSFW channels and guild NSFW levels, among other things

  • A cache map object with an extra typed API has been added, allowing you to cache data between checks and make use of it in the body of your commands. This also allows you to cache data between task runs and provide extra event context for Kord events

  • Commands were given their own translation bundles, which fall back to their extension's if missing

  • Slash commands may be fully localized

  • Many misc utils have been added, and fixes and additions have been made for existing utils

  • Individual converts have been updated with new features and fixes

  • The test bot has been moved to its own module, which makes it easier to look over and modify

As always, if you run into any problems, please let us know!


Published to Discord on December 15th, 2022.

I've been hard at work, finally bringing an abstraction for Discord's modals to KordEx. As of this message, 1.5.6-SNAPSHOT has been pushed, which includes my first attempt at getting an abstraction together.

To use modals, create a class that extends ModalForm, and pass the constructor into your command and component functions — just how you would with your argument classes. If you're using this with a command that already has arguments, then this should go after your Arguments class constructor reference — ephemeralSlashCommand(::MyArgs, MyModal) { ....

Within your new class, you can create variables that store widgets, which can be created by using the lineText and paragraphText builder functions. Remember to provide a label for all of your widgets!

This introduces a new (nullable due to Kotlin's type system) parameter to your action blocks — which you can get at like this: action { modal -> .... You can access the input data provided by the user by accessing the value property on each widget.

Modal titles, widget labels, etc. are translatable and will inherit the bundle you're using in the definition context — so, the bundle your component or command is using. You can also define the bundle in your ModalForm subtype instead if you prefer.


Published to Discord on July 8th, 2022.

I've just pushed up 1.5.5-SNAPSHOT, which uses Kotlin 1.7.10 and is based on Kord's 0.8.x-SNAPSHOT versions again.

Please note that all KordEx dependencies have been updated — as usual, you'll find them in the libs.versions.toml

Let me know if you run into any issues!


Published to Discord on April 17th, 2022.

KordEx 1.5.3-SNAPSHOT has been pushed to GitHub and is currently building. However, there are a number of things to be aware of:

  • Support for Java versions older than Java 11 had to be dropped, due to dependencies also dropping support

  • This version of KordEx was not built with Kotlin 1.6.20; however, everything else has been updated

That last point is particularly notable because it turns out that Kotlin 1.6.20 is causing a lot of problems for several projects.

  • There's a compiler bug that breaks compilation for classes containing functions that take a suspending callable argument with a default value

  • KSP has a number of serious problems on 1.6.20 which entirely break our annotation processor

  • Both KSP and the Kotlin compiler have developed issues which don't show up unless you're doing a clean build, which makes me worry that there are serious consistency issues in build output

In short, Kotlin 1.6.20 has showstopping issues that make me feel like it should never have been pushed as a stable release. The same goes for KSP 1.0.5, which only supports Kotlin 1.6.20.

While it's possible that your bots may build just fine with Kotlin 1.6.20, and it's true that Kord has managed to move to Kotlin 1.6.20, I do not recommend moving to it for your bots. I'd advise that you stick with Kotlin 1.6.10 until these issues are fixed, which may require another Kotlin compiler release cycle.


Published to GitHub on February 6th, 2022.

This release targets Kord 0.8.0-M9, the latest stable release for Kord. We've been waiting for this one for some time — it's nice to get something new out there for you!

A note about Maven repos:

Please be aware that as of this release, the following Maven repos are no longer being mirrored by the Kotlin Discord Maven server:

  • Bintray: Exposed, Kord, KTor

  • Google

  • Maven Central

  • Sonatype Snapshots

You'll need to update your buildscripts to correspond with these changes. If you run into any trouble, you can always take a look at the KordEx template project again.

Highlights of this release:

  • KordEx is now licensed under the Mozilla Public License. It previously used The MIT License, but I felt that this was a little too weak.

  • Rewritten converter function syntax, which now uses a DSL instead of a function call. This makes things overall much cleaner and allows us to add additional features to the argument system easily. Speaking of which...

  • Command arguments now support mutate { } and autoComplete { } (for slash commands) options. Additionally, validation now uses validate { }, which uses an API that's much closer to how checks work elsewhere.

  • Improvements to application command registration, including not trying to remove commands that were already removed via a batch update.

  • Easier disabling of components, optional locking for guild member requests, Sentry support for scheduled tasks, and the removal of the requirement for paginator page groups to have the same number of pages.

  • Extra utilities, such as better names for timeout-related fields, an async start function that launches, convenience single-action functions for modifying Members quickly, easy functions for supplying maps to autocomplete interactions, and more!

  • An early version of a dynamic plugin loading system. Because you can't get at classes from loaded plugins, this currently is limited in usefulness, but we'll be expanding upon it later on.

  • A myriad of bug fixes and new translations.

  • Mappings Extension: Support for Quilt Mappings, Hashed Mojmap and slash command autocomplete for MC versions.

  • Phishing Extension: Better filtering, redirect support, and usage of the Sinking Yachts websocket for instant domain list updates.

At the moment, the wiki hasn't been updated for these changes. Unfortunately, I lack the time to update them quickly, but they'll get there!

As always, if you run into any problems, please let us know!


Published to Discord on January 16th, 2022.

I've just merged KordEx 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT. This new version of KordEx contains the new DSL-style converter builder system, which additionally requires that your custom converters make use of KSP and the @Converter annotation. It also adds check-style validate {} builders for validation (eg via failIf()) and a mutate {} function allowing you to return a changed final value.

This system is not documented yet and may not be for some time. However, I encourage you to try this out with bots that don't have custom converters just to see how things work. For the most part, it should be easy to figure things out — let's say you have a converter like this:

val username by string("username", "Username to delete from the universe")

You would update this by switching to the new syntax:

val username by string { name = "username" description = "Username to delete from the universe" }

Of course, your IDE autocomplete will help you out here. Additionally, please note that all coalescing converter functions have been renamed, replacing coalesced with coalescing in the function name.


Published to GitHub on October 12th, 2021.

This release is our first "stable" release in quite a long time, targeting Kord 0.8.0-M7. The reason for this is largely due to Kord's extremely long snapshot cycle, which itself was caused by many changes to Discord's APIs. In turn, this means that this release contains a mind-boggling number of internal changes.

We've done our best to keep things as compatible as possible, API-wise. Despite this, though, we've had no choice but to break a few things.

Highlights of this release:

  • With a lot of help from ByteAlex, we've been able to eliminate many, many unnecessary cache hits, making use of behaviors rather than entities wherever possible. This makes KordEx far more suitable for large bots with different caching requirements.

  • Full support for message and user commands have been added, which comes with a full rewrite of the application commands system. Application commands now always require a public or ephemeral type, to help keep things safe. Additionally, our old message commands are now named chat commands and have their functions prefixed with chat.

  • The components system has been fully rewritten, including a similar typing requirement to application commands. It comes with a ComponentContainer type which makes it easier to re-use components, as well as a callback registry for advanced use-cases (such as components that need to work after a restart).

  • The Sentry integration has been rewritten, and you'll find a SentryContext provided everywhere you'd expect to be able to make use of Sentry, instead of a plain list of breadcrumbs. This, along with several other improvements, should make Sentry much more pleasant to work with.

  • Our translation platform has been switched to Weblate. If you're a translator (or would like to help with translations), please head over there!

  • Lots of deprecated things have now been removed. If you were still using them, well, you were warned!

There are far too many changes to list here. The existing pages on the wiki have been rewritten for this release, and we'd suggest taking a look at them to refresh your knowledge. There's still documentation work that needs doing, but we'll get there!

As always, if you run into any problems, please let us know!


Published to Discord on October 7th, 2021.

KordEx 1.5.1-SNAPSHOT is now live!

I decided to bump the version in line with the update to Kord 0.8.0-M6. This release beings a bunch of underlying changes that people have been waiting for in Kord, and it also brings the following fixes on top of the current snapshot work:

  • Fix for deferredAck being inverted for ephemeral components

  • Load order has now returned to what it was before the automatic intent generation feature was added, so the Kord instance is once again created a lot earlier.


Published to Discord on September 6th, 2021.

As of the latest push, KordEx 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT is ready for testing!

A lot of things have changed in this release. For an overview, take a look at the tracking issue — but I'll list some things you may be wondering below.

  • Every single command function has been replaced:

    • Message commands are now chat commands, with the command DSL function being renamed to chatCommand - and they're disabled by default, in line with Discord's requirements for larger bots

    • Slash commands have been split into publicSlashCommand and ephemeralSlashCommand

    • Message and user commands have been added, with public* and ephemeral* DSL functions

  • Interaction-based commands/components no longer have autoAck, but you can use the initialResponse DSL to ack with response or call the edit function in your action to edit the acknowledged response

  • Components have been completely revamped, and everything is typed similarly to how the interaction-based commands are now — though, since components are centralized now, no timeout mechanism has been provided for them

  • Scheduled tasks for the Scheduler now have an easy restart function

  • Paginators have been split out into four types (chat, public followup, public response, and ephemeral response), matching the contexts you'd use them in. This means you can have an ephemeral interaction and the paginator will edit its initial response, finally!

There are many, many other changes, big and small. We'd massively appreciate it if people could start testing this release and provide us with feedback on what's not working properly — and what needs changing.

If something is missing, please leave a comment on the tracking issue


Published to GitHub on August 21st, 2021. Changes since v1.4.4-RC3:

  • Fix error when you have paginator pages with empty footer text

  • Add suspending paginator DSL functions in both types of command context

  • Set up VSC Web for medium-complexity PRs — head to the develop branch on GitHub and hit . on your keyboard!

  • Make translation debug logging less verbose by moving it to trace logging

  • Allow for enabling the Sentry integration without adding the Sentry extension

  • Allow for customizing the KordBuilder during setup

  • Mappings module: Fix a bad Linkie dependency

The following issues were solved in this release:

  • #69 (Nice!): Allow selecting a custom HTTP engine for Kord (niche request!)

  • #70: Less verbose translation logging

  • #71: Allow disabling feedback command when using sentry extension


Published to GitHub on August 9th, 2021. Changes since v1.4.4-RC2:

  • Update to Kord 0.8.0-M4

  • Checks are now consistent in behavior regarding events that they don't support - negating checks (containing the word not) will always pass in this situation, and all other checks will always fail in this situation.

  • Paginator Page objects are now backed by a Kord EmbedBuilder, and should be constructed using the builder syntax. For example: Page(bundle) { description = "This is a page." }

  • The ExtensionEvent class now extends Kord's Event type, with a shard number of -1

  • The guildFor() function for InteractionCreateEvent was changed to manually get the guild from the interaction data, as it can otherwise be missing in some situations

Documentation work is still ongoing, and KordEx will see more changes as things are documented - the documentation process makes it really easy to see (and change) things that don't make intuitive sense.

The following issues were solved in this release:

  • #65: Make ActionableComponentBuilder's ID customizable

  • #66: Add the addition emoji helpers from ButtonBuilder to SelectOptionBuilder

  • #67: Paginators, pages do no support embed fields


Published to GitHub on August 5th, 2021. Changes since v1.4.4-RC1:

  • Update to Kord 0.8.0-M3

This is a release to match Kord's hotfix, which fixes a regression that broke interaction acknowledgements.


Published to GitHub on August 4th, 2021.

Changes since v1.4.2:

  • Update to Kord 0.8.0-M1

  • Default to rest-aware caching and allow configuration of caching strategy

  • Add kotlinx.datetime converters and utils

  • Add support for select menus in the Components builder

  • Add support for Discord's slash command perms, including enforcing them at the framework level

  • Add support for threads, including extra checks that only operate on threads or flatten them to top channels

  • Trim slash command arguments to workaround inconsistent data from Discord

  • Redo the checks system, requiring calls to one of the fail functions to fail a check

    • This is breaking, checks must be redone

    • Checks may now also return a failure message for commands

This release includes commits that address the following issues:

  • #58 — Checks overhaul

  • #62 — Make automatic acknowledge type naming more consistent

The following PRs were merged:

  • #61 — Use epochSeconds for toDiscord timestamp extension function

  • #64 — insert semicolon in Lclass;method for mixin target


Published to GitHub on July 2nd, 2021.

This is a huge release, and a massive milestone for KordEx. There have been far too many changes to detail in this changelog — nearly 210 commits in total. Some highlights include:

  • Support for slash commands

  • A completely rewritten argument parser

  • Support for button components and new paginators that use them

  • Decoupling of KordEx classes using Koin

  • An annotation processor for generating converter functions

  • Full support for i18n, including translations

... and much, much more!

If you're migrating from the previous stable version, there's a slightly more in-depth overview of the changes in the docs. Otherwise, we suggest treating this release version as an entirely new iteration of the KordEx concept — most things have been changed, and almost everything will need at least a minor tweak to get things to work.

As always, if you need help, contact us on Discord!


Published to GitHub on March 2nd, 2021.

Chances since KordEx 1.4.0-RC6:

  • Slash command support! As we now have two types of command, the old Command class has been renamed to MessageCommand. Additionally, CommandContext is now MessageCommandContext. You'll find similar classes that relate to slash commands as well.

  • All arguments specified in Arguments objects now require a description.

  • Command arguments classes (and just classes in general really) are now nicer to pass around, as they're treated like builders and received in more logical places.

  • The help extension and sentry functionality have both been updated to support command argument descriptions and slash commands for feedback.

  • The paginator has been completely rewritten (and documented), with support for switchable page sets!

  • Far, far, far too many other changes to simply list here.

This release has tons of improvements, deprecations, new features and breaking changes. Some of them are listed above, but you should read the migration guide instead of simply relying on this release description.

Note: This release targets Kord's latest snapshots as of the time of this release. As they are not formal releases, there's no way to link to release notes. This release mostly exists to provide an anchor point for users that wish to stick to stable versions while still existing within the middle of Kord's extensive snapshot cycle. Hopefully, Discord starts making their API more stable soon!


Published to GitHub on January 3rd, 2021.

Chances since KordEx 1.4.0-RC5:

  • BREAKING: Rewrote the bot.start() function. If you wish to supply an intent builder or presence builder, this function now takes a single builder lambda (and is thus a DSL function) instead of taking two separate lambdas. It was not possible to deprecate the old version of this function due to conflicting parameter lists, so you'll have to update your bots. For more information, please see the bot object documentation.

  • DEPRECATION: Rewrote the bot.addExtension() function. The old function is still there and has been deprecated, while the new function takes a builder function instead of a reflection-based class object. Functionally, this just means changing bot.addExtension(ExtensionClass::class) to bot.addExtension(::ExtensionClass) in most cases.

  • Added extra checks regarding member permissions on guilds — although, please note that these only look at guild permissions and ignore channel overwrites. For more information, please see the checks documentation.

This release targets Kord 0.7.0-RC.


Published to GitHub on December 29th, 2020.

Chances since KordEx 1.4.0-RC4:

  • Added Koin integration for those that need it. For more information, please read the docs!

This release targets Kord 0.7.0-RC.


Published to GitHub on December 23rd, 2020.

Chances since KordEx 1.4.0-RC3:

  • Completely rewrote the paginator, allowing for switchable page groups and full customization of page embeds, among other things. There's a lot to this, so I recommend you read over the docs and the integration test and take it out for a spin.

This release targets Kord 0.7.0-RC.


Published to GitHub on December 19th, 2020.

Chances since KordEx 1.4.0-RC2:

  • Add outputError property to OptionalConverter (but not coalescing variants — that wouldn't make sense) and expose it in Arguments extension functions.

    This will make optional converters still output parse errors and fail command parsing if true is provided (false is the default), if that's something you end up needing in your command parsing logic.

This release targets Kord 0.7.0-RC.


Published to GitHub on December 16th, 2020.

Chances since KordEx 1.4.0-RC1:

  • Add commandName to CommandContext objects, allowing you to get the (lowered) name the user gave for invocation

  • Fix breadcrumb() not actually adding the breadcrumb to the MutableList in both CommandContext and EventContext

This release targets Kord 0.7.0-RC.


Published to GitHub on December 12th, 2020.

This is our very first properly versioned release!

KordEx 1.4.0 brings Kord 0.7.x support (but we'll only release RCs until Kord releases a stable version). Some changes:

  • Completely reworked command argument parsing system, with a fully documented argument conversion system

  • First-class integration with Sentry

  • Actual documentation, finally

As this is our first real release, this changelog will be a little lacking — it does encompass 174 commits, after all. Future releases will be more detailed!

This release targets Kord 0.7.0-RC.


Published to GitHub on June 22nd, 2020.

This is the final version of Kord Extensions for Kord 0.4.x.

Gradle Plugins


Published to GitHub on November 3rd, 2024

This version includes a small internal API change in the KordEx plugin.

You shouldn't use internal APIs unless you need to, so I don't document them. This version adds an opt-in annotation to explicitly tag internal APIs.


Published to GitHub on October 27th, 2024

This version includes a small change for the KordEx plugin.

KordEx Plugin

  • For the i18n builder, attempt to throw a more useful error when the source translation bundle isn't using the UTF-8 encoding.


Published to GitHub on October 25th, 2024

This version includes a small change for the KordEx plugin.

KordEx Plugin

  • The i18n builder now exposes a publicVisibility property. This defaults to true, but set it to false to produce generated objects using the internal visibility modifier.


Published to GitHub on October 20th, 2024

This version includes a small change for the KordEx plugin.

KordEx Plugin

  • Made mainClass in the bot builder optional. Omit this setting when your bot doesn't have a main class, and the Gradle plugin won't configure the application plugin.


Published to GitHub on October 20th, 2024

This version includes a small fix for the KordEx plugin.

KordEx Plugin

  • Fix a problem where the generated Key objects were being generated too late for compileKotlin to pick them up.


Published to GitHub on October 20th, 2024

This version includes some small changes to the KordEx plugin.

KordEx Plugin

  • This version adds a new i18n { } builder, allowing you to generate Kord Extensions Key objects based on your project's translation bundle.

    • To use it, provide the classPackage and translationBundle properties, and run the generateTranslationsClass task.

    • The plugin will add any generated objects to your project's source-set automatically.

    • Other options are available: className, configureSourceSet, and outputDirectory.

For more information on the i18n { } builder, please read the documentation.

For more information on doing i18n work with Kord Extensions in general, please read the new documentation page.


Published to GitHub on August 20th, 2024

This version is a quick update to bump the Kotlin version used for compilation to 2.0.20, so we're no longer depending on release candidates. Thanks to daksh7011 for his timely PR!


Published to GitHub on August 20th, 2024

This version includes some small changes to the KordEx plugin.

KordEx Plugin

  • Fixed a problem where specifying a specific snapshot (rather than a moving snapshot version) would throw an error.

  • The plugin now applies KSP source-sets automatically again.

This version should fix the KSP issues we've noticed recently. Let us know how you get on!


Published to GitHub on August 20th, 2024

This version involves a significant rewrite of the KordEx plugin, and some small changes to the Docker plugin.

KordEx Plugin

I've rewritten most of the plugin, making it more lazy and moving a lot of code out of afterEvaluate.

This, along with the other edits, introduces the following changes:

  • Fix an issue where the Gradle metadata may fail to parse due to unknown keys being present.

  • Fix an issue where the bot metadata was out of date when you changed the settings, preventing regeneration.

  • Fix an oversight that caused an error when you didn't manually configure a data collection level.

This release doesn't fix the KSP plugin issue — we're still working on that!

Docker Plugin

This version includes the following changes:

  • The plugin will now always regenerate the Dockerfile. This fixes a problem where the Dockerfile would always be out of date when you update your configuration.


Published to GitHub on August 18th, 2024

This version includes a small change to the KordEx plugin.

KordEx Plugin

As the mappings (func-mappings) module is now back, the KordEx plugin no longer throws an error when trying to use it.


Published to GitHub on August 17th, 2024

This version includes a small change to the KordEx plugin.

KordEx Plugin

When you have the KSP plugin applied, the KordEx plugin automatically configures the annotation processor. Now, the plugin will also configure the relevant source-sets, so your IDE will be aware of KSP-generated files.


Published to GitHub on August 10th, 2024

This version makes some changes to the KordEx plugin.

KordEx Plugin

This release improves support for running bots in development and provides a more sensible way to resolve the latest Kord version (when "latest" is specified).

  • Add a new dev task, which runs your bot in development mode and can recursively parse .env files in your project:

    • First, the .env file in your project's root directory is parsed.

    • Then, if your bot is in a submodule, the KordEx plugin will traverse the directory tree down to it, parsing any .env files it finds on the way, overriding previously set variables if it finds any duplicates.

    • Example: /root/.env-> /root/folder/.env-> /root/folder/current-submodule/.env

    • The plugin adds these variables to your in-development bot's runtime environment variables.

    • You can disable this by setting processDotEnv in your bot { } builder to false.

  • When you supply "latest" for the kordVersion property, the plugin will now ignore Kord feature branch snapshots, which should make things more consistent and predictable. You can still supply feature branch snapshots manually if you need to use them.

  • The plugin now uses reflection to figure out which version of the Kotlin plugin you've applied, rather than inspecting the buildscript's classpath. This fixes a problem where the classpath is empty in some project configurations.

  • When writing KordEx plugins using the plugin { } builder, the plugin now disables all Tar tasks, as building a .tar distribution is nonsensical given Kord Extensions can't load them.


Published to GitHub on August 10th, 2024

This version makes some changes to the KordEx plugin.

KordEx Plugin

The KordEx plugin is now ready for Kord Extensions 2 and is more resilient to metadata resolution problems.

  • Add support for Kord Extensions 2 dependencies.

  • When using Kord Extensions 2, warn about v1 module names and rename them to match the v2 names.

    • When using Kord Extensions 1, this will also happen in reverse for v2 module names.

    • This will become an error in later versions of the plugin.

  • Resolvers can now handle missing repository metadata gracefully and provide a more explicit error when they can't resolve a version.


Published to GitHub on August 10th, 2024

This version makes a small change to the KordEx plugin.

KordEx Plugin

For developers working on complex Gradle projects, the plugin now supports an addDependencies configuration option, which you can use to prevent the plugin from configuring any dependencies.

This may be useful in multi-module projects where you want to define a "common" module that depends on Kord Extensions and configure bots in other modules depending on that one.


Published to GitHub on August 10th, 2024

This version adds a new plugin — the Docker plugin from the template repo.

Docker Plugin

This (relatively simple) plugin allows you to generate a Dockerfile based on a Kotlin DSL, centralizing your project's configuration and allowing Docker to adapt to changes, such as renaming a Gradle project.

For more information, see the documentation. It is pretty long!


Published to GitHub on August 2nd, 2024

This version targets the KordEx plugin.

KordEx Plugin

This release includes the following changes:

  • Fail safely when we can't find the Kotlin JVM plugin JAR, and thus can't check for compatibility.


Published to GitHub on August 2nd, 2024

This version targets the KordEx plugin.

KordEx Plugin

This release includes the following changes:

  • Add a jvmTarget option to the kordEx { } builder, which overrides the JVM compilation target. This would usually come from Kord Extensions, but some projects may need to supply their own version when dealing with some dependencies.


Published to GitHub on August 2nd, 2024

This version targets the KordEx plugin.

KordEx Plugin

This release includes the following changes:

  • Automatically adds the KordEx annotation processor when you apply the KSP plugin to the project.

  • Fix a typo that prevented the Fabric repo from being added to your project's repositories when using the extra-mappings module.

  • Support for optionally supplying custom configurations to apply dependencies to.

  • Support for projects that aren't bots or plugins, such as standalone modules. This means you can go back to omitting the kordEx { } block, or omit the bot { } and plugin { } blocks, and the plugin will work as expected.

  • Non-bot or -plugin projects will automatically avoid depending on Kord's voice module.


Published to GitHub on July 31st, 2024.

This version targets the KordEx plugin. I've made significant changes in this version, so please pay attention!

KordEx Plugin

This release includes the following changes:

  • Support for building KordEx plugins via the new plugin builder, present in the kordEx builder.

    • Required: Plugin class, ID, version

    • Optional: Author, dependencies, description, KordEx version constraint, license

  • Support for building KordEx bots moved to a new bot builder, present in the kordEx builder.

    • Required: Bot main class

    • Optional: Data collection setting, Kord voice dependency toggle

  • The remaining settings haven't moved:

    • Add repositories toggle, ignore Kotlin version toggle, kord version, kordEx version, kordEx module dependencies


Published to GitHub on July 29th, 2024.

This version targets the KordEx plugin.

KordEx Plugin

This release includes the following changes:

  • Switch from shadowing FlexVer to sticking it into the project directly. It is a CC0 library intended to be used this way, so may as well take the easy route.


Published to GitHub on July 28th, 2024.

This version targets the KordEx plugin.

KordEx Plugin

This release includes the following changes:

  • Start linting with Detekt, add an editorconfig, and reformat source files.

  • Merged PR #3 by DRSchlaubi - thanks!

    • Update Gradle to 8.9 and Kotlin to 1.9.23.

    • Omit Gradle API/Groovy from the built plugin JAR.

    • Switch to Gradle Property objects for plugin configuration.

  • Switch to KordEx Maven repo subdomains, which don't execute S3 commands. These domains provide direct access to the R2 buckets storing the Maven artifacts, and you won't be able to browse them directly. The domains are:

    • Releases: https://releases-repo.kordex.dev/

    • Snapshots: https://snapshots-repo.kordex.dev/


Published to GitHub on July 26th, 2024.

This version targets the KordEx plugin.

KordEx Plugin

This release includes the following fixes:

  • The plugin now uses the KordEx Maven repo instead of OSSRH to resolve and depend on KordEx versions. The plugin now adds this repo before OSSRH.

  • Previously, the plugin would figure out the latest version of a Kord or KordEx release by comparing the latest version indicated by the Maven metadata. As this tends to be somewhat unreliable, it now uses FlexVer to compare all the available version numbers.

  • Because of FlexVer, the plugin is now a fat jar, with all dependencies included.


Published to GitHub on July 24th, 2024.

This version targets the recently released KordEx plugin with a bug fix.

KordEx Plugin

This release includes the following fixes:

  • Previously, the plugin would error on Linux due to a failure to create a directory for the plugin-generated resource files. This was due to Gradle's layout API unexpectedly treating subfiles starting with / as if they were within the filesystem root.


Published to GitHub on July 24th, 2024.

This version targets the recently released KordEx plugin with some improvements. We'll update the KordEx template project to use the plugin once we publish this version, and the Gradle plugin portal approves it.

KordEx Plugin

This release introduced several new features, specifically:

  • A mainClass configuration option, which you should set to your bot's main class, similarly to the application plugin or the Main-Class JAR manifest. This will automatically configure both the application plugin and the jar task.

  • The plugin now automatically adds the google() Maven repository.

  • The plugin now automatically configures the Kotlin plugin, setting required compiler arguments and matching Kord Extensions' JVM target.

  • The plugin now automatically configures the Java plugin, matching Kord Extensions' source and target compatibility.

It also includes the following fixes:

  • Previously, the plugin hard-coded the expected Kotlin version. It will now retrieve the Kotlin version used to build the configured KordEx version (or the latest version if you don't provide one).


Published to GitHub on July 21st, 2024.

This is the first tagged release for our Gradle plugins, and it represents the first major milestone for this repository.

KordEx Plugin

This release introduces the new KordEx plugin, designed to make it easier to set up and configure a project using it. This will be the canonical way to set up a KordEx project from now on.

The plugin supports the following options, exposed via the kordEx builder:

  • addRepositories = true - Whether to add the repos you'll need to grab KordEx and its dependencies at build time.

  • ignoreIncompatibleKotlinVersion = false - Whether to warn about incompatible Kotlin versions instead of error.

  • kordVersion = null - A specific Kord version to pin, instead of the one KordEx was built against.

  • kordExVersion = null - A specific KordEx version to pin, instead of the latest version.

  • voice = true - Whether to use a version of Kord that supports voice, which will result in a larger dependency.

It also exposes the following functions:

  • dataCollection(level) - Set your bot's data collection settings. Note: We haven't implemented data collection yet.

  • module(name) - Add a dependency on a KordEx module by name.

Note: We only support using this plugin with Kotlin Gradle build scripts.

You may add this to your project as follows, once the Gradle Plugin Portal approves it:

plugins { id("dev.kordex.gradle.kordex") version "1.0.0" }

When switching to this plugin, you should remove all dependencies you may have on Kord and KordEx!

I18n Tools


Published to GitHub on November 4th, 2024

Updated the class generator to remove common delimiters from names and camel-case them instead of replacing the delimiters with underscores.

Translations Class Generator

  • API: Add a (default on) option to remove common delimiters in names. You can disable this for compatibility with old code, but I'll remove the option in a future version.

  • CLI: Expose the above option via the -ncc and --no-camel-case switches. I'll remove these when I remove the API option.


Published to GitHub on October 27th, 2024

Just updating some KDocs.

Translations Class Generator

  • API: Add KDoc comments to the translation object generator.


Published to GitHub on October 25th, 2024

Adds a small feature that may make things easier for some developers working with the binary API compatibility checker plugin.

Translations Class Generator

  • API: Add publicVisibility constructor parameter, set this to false to use the internal visibility modifier for generated objects.

  • CLI: Add -in/--internal switch to use the internal visibility modifier for generated objects.


Published to GitHub on September 23rd, 2024

This is what I get for developing on a work night!

Translations Class Generator

CLI: Fix the main class in the manifest, which IntelliJ messed up somehow. It works now, I promise!


Published to GitHub on September 23rd, 2024

Well, this is embarrassing.

Translations Class Generator

CLI: Add the main class to the manifest, so now you can actually run this. Whoops!


Published to GitHub on September 21st, 2024

This is the first tagged release for our i18n tools, and it represents the first major milestone for this repository.

Translations Class Generator

This is the first release for our translation class generator tool. This is a self-contained API and CLI tool, which generates a KordEx translations class based on a translation properties file and a few other pieces of information.

To learn more about what this is and how to use it, please check the README file.

Last modified: 07 January 2025